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The Community Cat Initiative: A Case Study in Creating a Targeted TNR & Adoption Program

2:45 PM, Dimanche 16 Avr 2023 (1 heure)
Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track A - Ocean

Outdoor cats can be found in almost every neighborhood across the country. These cats include community cats and owned cats that are allowed outdoors to roam. Community cats face many challenges living outdoors. Without proper shelter and care, they are at risk of illness and injury. Additionally, without spay/neuter surgery, these cats can produce many litters and continue the cycle of large colonies of unowned cats. 

In the spring of 2017, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) launched its Community Cat Initiative, in an effort to help the estimated 700,000 community cats living in cities and towns across Massachusetts. Since its creation, the initiative has served over 3,400 of these animals, with over 60% finding forever homes and 30% being returned to the field. This case study follows the steps taken from conception to implementation to shaping the initiative into the successful program it is today. We will talk about the creation of the idea, sourcing funding for the initiative, hiring the right person, procuring the resources needed to provide spay/neuter surgeries, and the challenges we faced along the way.

Animal Rescue League of Boston
President & CEO
Animal Rescue League of Boston
Director of Community Operations
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