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Verbal De-escalation: Stepping Back from the Edge

9:30 AM, Lundi 17 Avr 2023 (1 heure 15 minutes)
Vendor & Exhibitor Break   10:45 AM à 11:15 AM (30 minutes)
Crowne Plaza Warwick - Track B - Patriots

Have you ever been yelled by a citizen while conducting an investigation or helping a customer at the animal shelter? Did you say something that made the situation worse? Have you ever needed to call for a police officer or a supervisor to help you with a verbally combative person? This lecture was designed from techniques like verbal judo, crisis intervention and mediation. We will look at how your body language, tone and the words you use dictate the flow of your interaction and how to make an argumentative person become polite and respectful.

Summit County Animal Control & Keep it Humane Main LLC
Supervisor - Podcast Host
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