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Greggo's Game Shows: Tenable

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17:00, السّبت 9 أكتوبر 2021 (1 hour)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 204,205
Game Show

Five lucky (and hopefully smart) Tsubasacon attendees get to play as a team to win prizes as they scale the Tower of Ten! Our contestants will answer questions that have ten answers...the more answers you know, the safer your team is and the bigger your prize fund can get!   But be careful...if you can't scale the tower you're out of the game through the vicious Vortex, and your captain has to free you if you're to help terminate the terminal Tower! It helps if you come as a team of five ready to rumble, but if not you can make friends quickly! Our terrific team of trivia toughies will be chosen at the beginning of the hour. Are you Tenable?

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