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NPC Quest Finale: Fight for the Grail!

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15:00, الأحد 8 أكتوبر 2023 (1 hour)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 203
It is time! The Real Pirate Gamers and Knights of the Game Table will clash for the Golden Grail! For those Scurvy Pirates and Brave Knights who have completed their respective questlines and seek to finish what they've started. Get the final ribbon for each ConQuest questline by duking it out at this raid! 

The two chests available for raffle will be drawn at the end of this raid!


People interested in participating in ExtraLife's ConQuests questline, simply visit either of the two ExtraLife tables in the Vendor hall or board gaming area and start your journey. Are you a Pirate or a Knight? Do all of your favorite things such as collect quest items, watch cutscenes, hit paywalls, and escort NPCs that are too fast for walking speed and too slow for running speed with janky AI pathing to boot.


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