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Autographs (Mary Elizabeth,Morgan,Barry)

Autograph Session
2:00 PM, Saturday 12 Oct 2019 (1 hour)
Charleston Convention Center - Autographs (Room 211)

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

One free per person on either a badge or program
All other autographs on either attendee items or the items the Actor brings are $20
selfies are $10
video or audio recordings will be $40

Morgan Berry

After the one free autograph, any additional items signed are $10 each.
Actor has character prints at the table. Here is a list of prices:
Character prints (autographed) = $20/each
Photos/selfie = $10
First autograph = FREE!
Additional autographs = $10/each
Video / Audio Recordings = $20/each
Please review our autograph policy for general rules.

Barry Yandell

One free per person on either a badge or program
Autograph on your item $10
Character Print (Large) $20
Character Print (Small) $15
Stickers $10
Buttons $3 each or 2 for $5
Selfie or Picture $15
Personalized Voice Recording $30

Session detail
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