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Eberron: The Best D&D Setting You're Not Using

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17:00, sábado 8 oct 2022 (1 hour)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 214

Back in the era of 3.5 where new books were releasing left and right, Eberron was born. A world of wide magic instead of high magic, where the arcane works as technology and the gods do not meddle in the affairs of the world, where a hundred year war has just ended for the people of a continent, and the world sits upon the edge of a knife. Come and chat with the hosts of the Eberron: a Chronicle of Echoes podcast, as we talk about this unique setting and how it subverts and feeds in to classic fantasy tropes, how you can play 1920's gangsters in one part of the world, and grimdark religious zealots in another. Also there's Halflings that ride dinosaurs.

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