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Worldbuilding for Fun, Fantasy, and Murder

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13:00, Saturday 12 Oct 2019 (1 hour)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 202
Worldbuilding for novels, stories, backgrounds, characters, games, or pretty much any idea that requires a location or a culture can be a daunting task at times. A lot of times you can get away with "this is here because I say it is!" and be fine; but if you want to really create an immersive environment for your audience, I want to help you do that. As an author or a game master, or just someone writing a fanfic or a bio for their original character, the more detail you can put into your world that makes sense and isn't just "It's here because I say it is" the more involved your audience will be in the experience you're trying to convey. This panel will touch on historical research, worldbuilding programs and resources, and be a discussion on the philosophy behind being the God of your own world, and knowing how far is too far and how little is too little. It's aimed at novice creators and people that have already built a few worlds of their own. As this panel is aimed at people creating content, I would imagine most of the audience would be 18 or older, but the content itself should be appropriate for anyone 13+ who wants to get an idea on what goes on with it.

Joshua Smith


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