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TV Drama’s That Hurt Me

My Session Status

19:00, Saturday 9 Oct 2021 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 202
Thai, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, & Taiwanese Live Action Dramas are my life blood. I watch ALOT of them, almost more then I do anime, depending on my mood. For whatever reason, I, ALWAYS, end up watching dramas that make me sob like an infant. I wont even be trying to watch something sad, and it will end up wrecking my life. Due to such, I have decided to document my top drama’s that make me cry incessantly! 

This panel is built similar to my “BL That Hurt Me” panel, where I have a lineup of titles that I will describe and show off. I include both heterosexual & homosexual couples, as well as some that don't really fit the "romance" genre. I also provide info on where to watch them legally & what websites to support. Similar to the anime & manga industry, we need to support the artists and let them know we want the things! This panel is marked 13+ as some of the themes can get dark, but nothing is too overly adult, so I keep this one open for everybody ^__^ Handouts of all titles discussed will be provided for attendees to take home if they so desire as well~

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