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Social Anxiety & Cosplaying

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14:00, Saturday 7 Oct 2023 (2 hours)
Charleston Convention Center - Panel Room 203
Always wanted to cosplay but feel too nervous to do so? Get anxious while in your cosplay? Stutter when asking a cosplayer for a photo or when asked for one? This is the panel for you! Join us in discussing the ins and outs of cosplaying in a social setting, and get tips for how to overcome your fears and doubts from people who've done it! Have a con horror story about your nerves? Feel free to share it in a judgement free environment where the panelists are just as Anxious as you are! (This panel covers Social Anxieties and other Neurodivergence issues in Cosplay from panelists with over 10 years of con experience between them. It includes a power point, interactive ice breaker style activities and "get to know" games. It aims to be a safe space to make a few lasting connections, get helpful advice & most importantly have some fun!)

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