Moses Buttenweiser and the Manifestation of God through Moral Conduct
My Session Status
3:45 PM, Tuesday 2 Apr 2019
(1 hour 15 minutes)
Board Buses to Hotel 05:00 PM to 05:15 PM (15 minutes)
- Klau Library: 2nd FL Beit Midrash
Professor Moses Buttenweiser taught Bible at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati from 1897–1934. In an undated article entitled "The Faith and Message of the Prophets," he writes about the "profound truth" that the biblical prophets discovered: the "complete departure" found in the prophetic notion that God is imminent and manifest through our moral conduct. We will study some of the biblical sources highlighted in Buttenweiser's stunning essay and the insights it contains for us as contemporary Reform rabbis, including the idea that we should be "living up to the divine promptings within oneself and aspiring after a life in harmony, with God ... by righteous, moral living."