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Songs Ascending: A New Translation of the Book of Psalms with Textual and Spiritual Commentary

Mon statut pour la session

1:00 PM, Mardi 21 Mar 2017 (1 heure)
Hafsakah – Visit Exhibit Area (Coffee served)   02:00 PM à 02:30 PM (30 minutes)
Loews Atlanta Hotel - Ellington Ballroom - Salon C
The Psalms are there for us at times when we feel the waters of hopelessness and terror threatening to drown us, when the waves of a chaotic world crash about us from every side. We will look at three examples of Psalms using new translations and spiritual applications from Rabbi Levy's forthcoming book Songs Ascending: The Book of Psalms in a New Translation with Textual and Spiritual Commentary.

Richard Levy


Mon statut pour la session


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