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Joel Abraham
Rabbi, Temple Sholom, Scotch Plains, NJ
Ali Abu Awwad
Stephanie Alexander
Senior Rabbi, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim
Mona Alfi
Congregation B'nai Israel
Yehoyada Amir
HUC-JIR and Chair of MaRaM, Professor and Chair
Erica Asch
Rabbi, Rabbi


elizabeth bahar
Rabbi, Temple B'nai Sholom
Nir Barkin
Director of Diaspora Affairs , IMPJ
Dana Bash
Chief Political Correspondent, CNN
April Baskin
Vice President of Audacious Hospitality, The Union for Reform Judaism
Barry Block
Rabbi, Congregation B'nai Israel
Diana Bloom
Productivity and Efficiency Consultant, Mike Scott and Associates
Professor David Blumenthal
Jay and Leslie Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies, Emory University
CCAR Manager of Member Services, CCAR


Kenneth Chasen
Senior Rabbi, Leo Baeck Temple
Rabbi Jonathan Cohen PhD
Dean & Associate Professor in Talmud and Halakhic Literature, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Galit Cohen-Kedem
Rabbi, Kehilat Kodesh V’Hol in Holon
Rabbi Sissy Coran
Senior Rabbi, Rockdale Temple
Dr. Jonathan Crane
Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar in Bioethics and Jewish Thought, Emory University


Lucy Dinner
Temple Beth Or, Raleigh, NC
Larry Dressler
Consultant, Blue Wing Consulting
Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus
Co-chair of the Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate, Past President of the CCAR, Shir Tikvah, Homewood, IL
Rebecca Dubowe
Rabbi, Moses Montefiore Temple


Rabbi Denise Eger
Rabbi, Congregation Kol Ami
Cindy Enger
Director of Rabbinic Career Services, CCAR
Dr. Tamara Cohn Eskenazi
Professor, HUC-JIR


Talya Feldman
Senior Director of Operations, IsraAid-US
Karen L Fox
Counselor and Consultant, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Steve Fox
Chief Executive Emeritus, CCAR
Joy Friedman
Director of Organizing, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Stacy Friedman
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Rodef Sholom


Michael Gan
Attorney, Peer, Gan & Gisler LLP
Jerry Gonzalez
Executive Director, GALEO
Lisa Greene
Rabbi, North Shore Congregation Israel
Melissa Fay Greene
Author of award-winning book The Temple Bombing
Gary Greenebaum
Coach, Transformational Coaching
Aaron Gross
Associate Professor of Religion, University of San Diego
Fred Guttman
Senior Rabbi, Temple Emanuel, Greensboro


Kwanza Hall
Councilman, Atlanta City Council
Joanne Harpel MPhil, JD
President and CEO, Rethink The Conversation
Bobby Harris
Director, URJ Camp Coleman
Martha Hausman
Lawyer and Mediator, MH Negotiation
Alan Henkin
Special Consultant/ Placement Director Emeritus, CCAR
Sofi Hersher
Digital Communications Manager, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Joui Hessel
Ex-Officio, CCAR Atlanta Convention Committee
Dr. Joel Hoffman
Author and Translator
Dr. Joshua Holo
Dean, Jack H. Skirball Campus, Associate Professor of Jewish History, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion


Walter Jacob Ph. D.
President, Abraham Geiger College
Shira Joseph
Rabbi, Congregation Shaaray Shalom


Cantor Faryn Kates Rudnick
Cantor, Temple Beth-El, Northbrook, IL
Noam Katz
Dean of Jewish Living, The Leo Baeck Day School
Derreck Kayongo
CEO, The Center for Civil and Human Rights
Soumaya Khalifa
Executive Director and Founder, Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta
Paul Kipnes RJE
Rabbi, Congregation Or Ami
Asher Knight
Senior Rabbi, Temple Beth El, Charlotte, NC
Douglas Kohn
Interim rabbi , Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland, MA


Meir Lakein
Director of Organizing, JOIN for Justice
Anna Langer
Associate Vice President, Israel Action Program │ Israel Education and Engagement, Hillel International
Micah Lapidus
School Rabbi, The Davis Academy
Rachel Laser
President, Rachel Laser Consulting
Barry Leff
Interim Rabbi, Temple Beth El, Birmingham, Alabama
Joseph J. Levin Jr.
Co-Founder (Board Emeritus), Southern Poverty Law Center
Richard Levy
Rabbi Emeritus of the Synagogue, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Los Angeles Campus)
Ellen Lewis
Professional Supervision for Clergy
Professor Deborah Lipstadt
Professor, Emory University
Janet Liss
Rabbi, North Country Reform Temple
David Lyon
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Israel


Michael Marmur
Associate Professor of Jewish Theology, HUC-JIR
Chad Martin
Director, Northeast Region, Israel Ministry of Tourism
Edythe Mencher LCSW
Faculty for Sacred Caring Community, Director URJ Presidential Disabilities Inclusion Initiative, Union for Reform Judaism
Geoffrey Mitelman
Founding Director, Sinai and Synapses


Mara Nathan
Sr. Rabbi, Temple Beth-El
Dr. Louis Newman
John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser Professor of Religious Studies, Emeritus, Carleton College


Dr. Aaron Panken
President, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Dean Moses Pava
Dean, Yeshiva University/ Sy Syms School of Business
Rex Perlmeter
Special Advisor to Member Care and Wellness, CCAR
Hara Person
Chief Executive, CCAR
Jonah Pesner
Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism


Mayor Kasim Reed
Mayor of Atlanta
Reverend Natosha Reid Rice
Associate General Counsel and Associate Pastor , Habitat for Humanity International AND Ebenezer Baptist Church
Jennie Rosenn
Vice President for Community Engagement, HIAS
Dennis Ross
Interim Rabbi, Temple Sinai


Amy Scheinerman
Rabbi, Jewish Federation of Howard County
Jana Sharp
Founder and Principal, Sharp Insight, LLC
Michael Shields
Rabbi, Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman
Jeremy Simons
Director of Rabbinic Services, Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life
Joseph Skloot
Assistant Rabbi, Washington Hebrew Congregation
Idit Solomon
Founder and CEO, Hasidah
Alden Solovy
Liturgist, Teacher, Author, To Bend Light
Dr. David Sperling
Rabbi Julian Morgenstern Professor of Bible, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Ben Spratt
Associate Rabbi, Congregation Rodeph Sholom
Rebecca Stapel-Wax
Executive Director, SOJOURN
Professor Kenneth Stein
President, Center for Israel Educatioln, Center for Israel Education
Prof. Donald A. Sylvan
Professor Emeritus , Ohio State University


Rachel Timoner
Senior Rabbi, New York


Richard Walter
Associate Director for Israel Education, Center for Israel Education
Reverend Raphael Warnock PhD
Senior Pastor, The Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church
Mark Washofsky
HUC Professor, Chair of Freehof Institute, HUC-JIR
Josh Weinberg
President, ARZA
Dov Wilker
Regional Director, American Jewish Committee
Paul Root Wolpe PhD
Director, Center for Ethics, Emory University
Dr. Jacob Wright
Professor of Hebrew Bible, Emory University


Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz
President & Dean, Valley Beit Midrash


Zahara Zahav
National Campaign Organizer, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Erin Zaikis
Mary Zamore
Executive Director, Women's Rabbinic Network
Or Zohar
Rabbi, IMPJ , Misgav Regional Council

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