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Building a Culture of Religious Zionism from a Reform Perspective

Mon statut pour la session

2:30 PM, Mardi 21 Mar 2017 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Loews Atlanta Hotel - Chastain
This session will offer four unique perspectives on the evolution of Reform religious Zionism and how it is working to making inroads in Israeli society and impacting North American Judaism.  We will look at how our ideology of Reform religious Zionism plays out on the political scene, in the field in building community, in Jewish philosophy and from the Diaspora. 
Rabbi Gilad Kariv – CEO of the IMPJ
Rabbi Professor Yehoyada Amir,  Prof at HUC-JIR and Chair of MaRaM
Rabbi Galit Cohen-Kedem, Rabbi of Kehilat Kodesh V’Hol in Holon
Rabbi Josh Weinberg, President, ARZA
Moderator – Rabbi Janet Liss, Chair, CCAR Israel Committee

Josh Weinberg


Gilad Kariv


Janet Liss


Yehoyada Amir


Mon statut pour la session


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