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Lisa Cai
Valour Canada & TMMF Education
Barbara Calabrese
Teacher, Foothills School Division
Carleen Calderwood
Mount Royal University
Mr. Graham Cale
Teacher, Western Canada High School - Calgary Board of Education
Christian Calvelo
Calgary Catholic School District
Jason Cameron
Program Lead, Economic Resilience Collaboration, Analytics and Innovation, City of Calgary
Sheila Cameron
Western Canada High School - Calgary Board of Education
Laurent Cammarat
Full Professor, Faculté Saint-Jean, ATA
Nicole Campacci
High School Science Teacher, CBE
Michelle Campbell
Teacher, CBE - Children's Village School
Amy Campbell
Calgary Board of Education
Karen Campbell
Retired Principal, Temporary Admin Roster, CBE
Graham Campbell
Teacher, Westmount School
Tavish Campbell
U of C Werklund School of Education
Kallie Campbell
Calgary Board of Education
Carolyn Campbell
Conservation Director, Alberta Wilderness Association
Clayton Campbell
Student Teacher/Hairstylist
Tracy Campbell
CSSD - Bishop Kidd
Stephanie Canuel
U of C Education Students' Association
Isabelle Caplan
West Island College
Jasmine Carcamo
Univerisity of Calgary
Rob Cardinal
University of Calgary
Martina Cardone
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Emily Cargan
Clear Water Academy
Dr. Dave Carlgren
Educator, SAIT
Michael Carlucci
Band Teacher, Calgary Catholic School District
Kaela Caron
Marketing Manager, Youth Singers of Calgary
Matt Carpenter
Transportation Instructor, SAIT Main Campus
Isabelle Carrigan
Mount Royal University Education Department
Dr. Jody Carrington
Keynote Speaker, Talent Bureau
Daniel Carroll
Substitute Teacher, CBE
Kristin Carroll
Regional Radiation Specialist, Health Canada
Cagary Board Of Education
Gina Carroll
University of Calgary
Becky Carscadden
Kindergarten Teacher, Janet Johnstone Elementary School
Rosalind Carson
PhD Student, Werklund School of Education (University of Calgary)
Steven Carston
Health & Physical Education Teacher, Calgary Catholic School Division
Morgan Carter
Pre-Service Teacher, University of Calgary Werklund School of Education
Susan Carter
Speaker/teacher/comic/Author, Retired Teacher
Marta Cartro Perez
Special Needs sub
Belinda Cartwright
Healthy Teachers, Healthy Classrooms.
Denise Cashin
Calgary Catholic
Gregory Caso-Gustafson
Substitute Teacher CBE
Alexandra Caso-Gustafson
Principal, Calgary Board of Education
Michelle Casten Magbanua
Guest Teacher at Foothills School Division
Tony Cavalleri
Calgary Board of Education
Martine Cavanagh
Vice Dean of Education Programs, Faculté Saint-Jean, ATA
Todd Cave
Calgary Board of Education
Tammy Cave
Calgary Board of Education
Angelo (Joey) Cayanan
Calgary Board of Education
Isaac Celis
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Ms Roselle Chabot Rouleau
Substitute, Tsuutina Nation
Joy Chadwick
Mount Royal University
Simran Chaggar
Grade 7/8 Math Teacher, Almadina Language Charter Academy
Chantal Chagnon Cree8
Cultural Facilitator, Arts Commons
Prabhjot Chahal
Mount Royal University
Stephanie Chamberlain
Grade 3 French Immersion Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Grace Chambers
Student Local No 2 ESA, University of Calgary
Teacher, CBE Colonel Sanders
Kaitlin Chantler
City of Calgary Climate Adaptation Team
Hanan Charkeih
Almadina Language Charter Academy
Delband Charkhandeh
University of Calgary
Cathy Charlton-Brennan
Elementary Music Specialist, Killarney School Calgary Board of Education
Hanna Chartrain
Team Lead of Humane Education and Outreach
Mr. Tom Chau
Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Saymah Chaudhry
Teacher, Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Stephanie Chavez
Calgary Catholic School Board
Natasha Chaykowski
University of Calgary
Nadia Chebli
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Pari Chehrehsa
Art & Design Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Pari Chehrehsa
Calgary Board of Education
Pari Chehrehsa
Fashion Design & Art Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Pari Chehrehsa
CBE - Nelson Mandela High
Mrs. Agnes Chen
Trauma Informed Care Collective
weilin chen
Teacher, CBE
Sophie Chen
New Brighton School
Ms. Ellen Chen
Learning Leader/Teacher, CBE
Nathan Cheney
Business Development Manager, Queen's University Continuing Teacher Education
Krista Cheng
CBE Subsitute
Ellie Cherry
Conservation Education Interpreter, Calgary Zoo
Aisha Cheung
Clear Water Academy
Breagh Chiasson
St. Mary's University Bachelor of Education
Christina Chin
Dr. EP Scarlett High School / ULethbridge PSIII practicum student
Kerin Ching
Trellis Society
Kerin Ching
Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary
Lisa Chippure
Science Learning leader, Centennial High School
Robert Choate
Learning Leader, Calgary Board of Education
Sophia Choi
Mount Royal University Education Department
Gideon Choi
Lead Curriculum Developer, Ten Peaks Innovation
Dabin Choi
Public Health Dietitian, Alberta Health Services
Debra Flaig Choice Of Interpreters
Choice Of Interpreters Inc.
Sonia Chopra
Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Kayla Chorley
Counselling Therapist, Pineapple Therapy
Tim Chow
Education Coordinator, Kids Code Jeunesse
Lily Chow
Teacher, CBE/Tom Baines School
Anita Chowdhury
Graduate Student, Educator, Educational Researcher, University of Calgary
Keith Christensen
CTS Learning Leader, Calgary Board of Education
Tiana Christiansen
Terry Fox School
Kimble Christie
Grade 5, Khalsa School Calgary
Brian Christie
Teacher, Calgary Board of Education - Tuscany School
Sheri Christoffersen
Teacher, Beacon Hill Elementary School
Kelly Christopher
Calgary Board of Education
Eva Chung
Holy Angels School
Alex Chung
Gobind Sarvar Calgary
Michelle Chunyua
Alberta Canola Producers Commission
Kristine Church
Teacher, CBE
Alexis Chute
Author, Artist, Filmmaker, Gallery Curator, Alexis Marie Productions Inc.
Jaclyn Chute
Registered Dietitian, Teach Nutrition
Larry Cinnamon
Central Memorial High School - CBE
Andrea Ciona
Calary Catholic School Division
Devanee Clark
Calgary Board of Education
Emily Clark
University of Calgary - Pre-Service Teacher
Lauren Clark
Ambrose University
Pamela Clark
Substitute Teacher, Calgary Board of Education
Brianna Clark
Rockyview School Division
Devanee Clark
Mount Royal University
Em Clark
WILD Outside Youth Leadership Specialist, Canadian Wildlife Federation
Steve Clark
Learning Leader, CBE / CBe-learn
Bryden Clarke
Mount Royal University
David Clarke
Colonel Irvine School (CBE)

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