Richard Zhang
Participates in 1 Session
Sessions in which Richard Zhang participates
Saturday 26 June, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
3:35 PM
3:35 PM -
3:40 PM |
5 minutes
Authors: Richard Zhang1, James J. Armstrong1, Cindy M. L. Hutnik2. 1Western University, 2Ivey Eye Institute.Author Disclosure Block: R. Zhang: None. J.J. Armstrong: None. C.M.L. Hutnik: None.Abstract Title: Development of a thermosensitive hydrogel for sustained drug release and in situ bleb support.Abstract Body:Purpose: Anti-fibrotic agents such as mitomycin C are used to limit post-operative scarring of filtration blebs in g...