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Ian Clark, MA, MB, BChir, FRCSEd(Ophth), FRCSC

Sally Letson Symposium Chair
Participe à 3 sessions

Dr. Clark is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Manitoba. He studied neurosciences at Cambridge University where he went on to complete his medical training. His ophthalmology training was based in the West Midlands, in and around Birmingham. He then completed two fellowships in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, the first at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital and the second at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

He was appointed as a staff pediatric ophthalmologist at the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital in 2007 and has been Section Head for the past 4 years. He was instrumental in the return of ophthalmology residency training to the province, serving as its program director until 2022. He has been actively involved in specialty medical education both locally and at the national level with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada where he chaired the Program Director’s committee for many years.

He has always been a strong advocate and supporter of orthoptics and has served in many roles on the American Orthoptic Council and the Canadian Orthoptic Council, including as an examiner, COC President and Secretary Treasurer.


Financial disclosure: Dr. Clark has/had an affiliation (financial or otherwise) with a commercial organization:

1. International Retinoblastoma Consortium (Board Member)

Sessions auxquelles Ian Clark, MA, MB, BChir, FRCSEd(Ophth), FRCSC participe

Vendredi 25 Juin, 2021

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
5:30 PM
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM | 1 heure 30 minutes
Ophtalmologie pédiatrique

Samedi 26 Juin, 2021

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
3:15 PM
3:16 PM - 3:25 PM | 9 minutes
Sociétés connexes de la santé
3:25 PM
3:25 PM - 3:30 PM | 5 minutes
Sociétés connexes de la santé