Neuro-ophtalmologie II
Mon statut pour la session
Le congrès en Direct :
Objectifs d’apprentissage
À la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :
Identifier les outils cliniques pour aborder les patients atteints de diplopie
Rôles CanMEDS : Expert médical, Collaborateur, Érudit, Communicateur
Sous sessions
Access the Live Meeting:
Access the Live Meeting: Authors: Po Hsiang (Shawn) Yuan, Jonathan Micieli. Disclosure Block: P. Yuan: None. J. Micieli: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: To report and discuss the association between cotton wool spot (CWS) findings and migrai...
Access the Live Meeting: Authors:Jonathan A. Micieli, Anubhav A. Garg, Edward Margolin. Disclosure Block: J.A. Micieli: None. A.A. Garg: None. E. Margolin: None. A...
Access the Live Meeting: Authors: Jack G. Mouhanna, Wei Sim, Danah Albreiki. Disclosure Block: J.G. Mouhanna: None. W. Sim: None. D. Albreiki: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: Tocilizumab (TCZ) is an IL-6 recept...
Access the Live Meeting: Authors: Wei Sim, Jack Mouhanna, Danah Al-Breiki.Disclosure Block: W. Sim: None. J. Mouhanna: None. D. Al-Breiki: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: Disease relapse in giant cell art...