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Leadership Panel: What is Teamship and Why Does it Matter to Geomatics Leadership?

Decorative image for session Leadership Panel:  What is Teamship and Why Does it Matter to Geomatics Leadership?

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10:30 AM, Wednesday 8 Nov 2023 MST (45 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 1
Expo Leadership Program
Great Leadership is central to our Industry – leaders that are adeptly able to connect and interoperate with business, government, and institutional entities.  While traditional hub-and-spoke leadership structures remain, a wave of agile, resilient, and dynamic leaders are stepping up. 

But organizations aren’t made up simply of leaders. In our quest for the best leadership, have we overlooked or forgotten about the skills, resources, and commitment to developing and empowering teams with shared goals to collaborate?  Due in large part to working out of suboptimal silos, does our strategic planning still overlook the generative power of effective cross-functional teams?

The panel will share opinions and experiences of the value of Geomatics/Earth Observation leadership fostering not only a transformative executive teamship mindset, but also supporting and cultivating a sustainable teamship culture across the entire interdependent organization.  

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