April 25, 2020, 10:00 AM - April 25, 2020, 3:30 PM

Please note the event on Saturday April 25th, 2020 has been made virtual
The overall health and wellness of our delegates deserves our utmost care and attention. GoGeomatics Canada continues to monitor the global health situation Coronavirus/COVID-19 and has decided on a contingency plan for our upcoming Vancouver and Toronto Career Events. Our main priority your health and well-being.
GoGeomatics Canada has made the decision to make the event virtual. We will be combining our Vancouver and Toronto Events. This virtual event will be provided via the digital platform Zoom on Saturday April 25th, 2020. We are looking forward to hosting this event and allowing you to take full advantage of this opportunity from the safety and comfort of your home.
More information on the agenda and the event login will be sent to registered attendees in the next few days.
GoGeomatics Canada will host companies and organizations who will speak about their job opportunities and offer on the spot interviews to job seekers.
Here is what one of our Job seekers had to say about our last Career event in Ottawa in June 2019:
The career event was more than introducing participants to companies and future employers, it provided participants with valuable tools to search for careers in multiple situations and contexts.
-Maddy, Ottawa