Mike Carter is a salesperson, artist and public speaker who excels at sharing information, creativity, and connecting with people. He achieves this by getting to know people, assessing their needs and then tailoring his knowledge and information towards them in a personalized, fun and creative way.
Sessions in which Mike Carter participates
Thursday 24 March, 2022
Scribble Maps is an easy-to-use online GIS and web mapping visualization solution. The software has a robust toolset along with vast operations that can help you annotate maps, plot territories, filter and analyze data, optimize routes, add images, and more.Our powerful mapping software can easily be integrated with many different file formats including GeoJson, SHP, KML, CSV, GPX, DXF, and PDF. Founded in 2009, Scribble Maps has been developed from direct user f...
Sessions in which Mike Carter attends
Wednesday 23 March, 2022
Synopsis: The UK National Underground Asset Register has gone through rigorous pilot and preparation phases and has learned a lot about the data which we will share for 3 regions before a national roll out. However, despite all the best laid plans there will always be exceptions and unexpected scenarios which will need to either be fitted into the data model or have the data model change in order to fit them. The way in which we make these changes could make or break a project like this wh...