The benefits of high frequency XYZ data

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GIS platforms are typically populated with XYZ coordinates with a point spacing of 1 meter or more. in fact, most traditional land surveying techniques, like GPS, often have a point spacing of 3 meters or more, and that is understandable given the procedure to obtain these points.
But have you ever wondered what amount of detail is lost when increasing the point frequency? Well, in this seminar, Otto Ballintijn will demonstrate the impact point frequency has on pipe detail using a couple of Case Studies using high frequency Gyroscopic Mapping data.
Gyro-mapping systems capture data at 100 Hz, or 10 samples per second. At the recommended mapping speed of 1m per second this yields a point frequency of 1cm. That may be too rich for GIS purposes, but learn how it can help engineers involved with installation acceptance or subsidence monitoring.
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