Mohamed Attia
Sessions in which Mohamed Attia attends
Tuesday 22 March, 2022
As the world continues to grow and urbanize, new urban infrastructure is being constructed at an unprecedented rate while old world infrastructure is being replaced and upgraded. This has lead to a greater demand for accurate and current utility locating and mapping. This demand is further exacerbated by the fact that infrastructure construction costs continue to rise and the slightest delay or extra cost associated with insufficient utility locating has an...
This presentation will be focusing on the advancement of "Cloud and Mobile" technologies that are currenlty being used to easily and accurately map assets and underground utilities that can be shared, re-located and leveraged thoughout the many project phases.It is critical that data accruacy and integrity is leveraged and accumulated throughout every phase of the BIM procress, creating a live "digital twin" all the way back to t...
Abstract:The total cost of underground infrastructure damage in Canada during excavation work is estimated to be over $1 billion dollars annually. The primary cause of these damage incidents is the lack of reliable information on the location and other information about buried utilities and other infrastructure. The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Register project is intended to improve the current damage prevention process by providing access to reliable data t...
Wednesday 23 March, 2022
Utility and energy buried pipelines represent an extensive underground network covering most of a country's territory. Their precise lateral, horizontal positioning along with their depth of cover is a critical element of any operator's GIS. It enables to deploy more accurate pipeline predictive maintenance models and avoid third party interferences. The latter being identified as one of the main causes of pipeline failures. The 2020 CGA Dirt report states that 3...
A longstanding and unsolved problem for utility companies has been how to keep geospatial network asset data up to date as networks are extended and maintained. Currently, it can take weeks if not months for “as-built” changes to make their way back into the enterprise system of record, typically a geographic information system (GIS). Existing mobile solutions can enable workers in the field to capture data about network asset data updates, but are too time consuming and comple...
As one of the oldest American cities, Boston holds a rich history and culture that runs not only through the streets but also beneath them. Many of the large underground infrastructure projects completed between the late 1890s and the late 1920s in Boston are still in use today. The preservation of infrastructure and the insights gleaned from the practices used to create it provide valuable lessons in how to maintain standards of excellen...
We live in a world where the skill required to interpret maps and engineering drawings is decreasing while the density of underground networks is increasing. The result is increased collateral damage, network outages and poor health & safety outcomes for our field workers.Today, we need better ways to accurately capture and comprehend the location and nature of those networks that are out of site under our feet. AR (Augmented...
Thursday 24 March, 2022
GIS platforms are typically populated with XYZ coordinates with a point spacing of 1 meter or more. in fact, most traditional land surveying techniques, like GPS, often have a point spacing of 3 meters or more, and that is understandable given the procedure to obtain these points. But have you ever wondered what amount of detail is lost when increasing the point frequency? Well, in this seminar, Otto Ballintijn will demonstrate the impact point frequency has on pipe detail usin...
Scribble Maps is an easy-to-use online GIS and web mapping visualization solution. The software has a robust toolset along with vast operations that can help you annotate maps, plot territories, filter and analyze data, optimize routes, add images, and more.Our powerful mapping software can easily be integrated with many different file formats including GeoJson, SHP, KML, CSV, GPX, DXF, and PDF. Founded in 2009, Scribble Maps has been developed from direct user f...
Reveal is building the world's most advanced and accurate digital twin technology for subsurface infrastructure. We're driving a safer, more efficient and sustainable world by revealing the truth of the underground. Join us for a 30min presentation where we will be showcasing our technology through our flagship project in Wellington, New Zealand.