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The Federal Government of Canada Geospatial Directors General Panel: Satellite Earth Observation in Canada – A Strategy in Action

Decorative image for session The Federal Government of Canada Geospatial Directors General Panel: Satellite Earth Observation in Canada – A Strategy in Action

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15:15, quarta-feira 2 mar 2022 (45 minutes)
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Join our DG Panel discussion moderated by Jonathan Murphy, Managing Director of GoGeomatics Canada. Our panelists are Eric Laliberté, Éric Loubier and David Harper.

As a country spanning almost 10 million square kilometres, Canada has always faced a unique challenge in collecting the day-to-day information needed to provide critical services to Canadians. Today, space offers a unique perspective that is increasingly important to understanding our planet and providing these services. Data from Earth observation satellites enable applications and services in a number of critical areas, including: climate change mitigation and adaptation, emergency response, ecosystem protection, public health, and food security. Over the past 18 months, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) have facilitated a multi-departmental effort to assess Canada’s Earth observation needs. Additionally influenced by engagement with stakeholders from industry and academia across the country, this collaborative effort led to the recent release of Canada’s new strategy for satellite Earth observation. 

Announced in January 2022, Resourceful, Resilient, Ready: Canada’s Strategy for Satellite Earth Observation outlines the key priorities and actions necessary to leveraging the capabilities of satellite EO technologies. This new strategy builds upon existing successes, such as recent Budget 2021 investments of $90 million into Earth observation service continuity and ground segment renewal, $8 million in funding for Canadian industry via the CSA’s smartEarth program, and a $20 million investment into Canadian private company GHGsat. The Government of Canada is looking to maintain the momentum created by the Strategy’s release, and these investments, by informing stakeholders of additional initiatives under development and seeking feedback on the new strategy. In this panel, Director Generals from the CSA, ECCC, and NRCan will discuss the new EO Strategy and invite input on your priorities for satellite Earth observation in Canada.


Eric Laliberté

Director General, Space Utilization

Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Leadership of Canada's RADARSAT Constellation Mission and Earth Observation program as well as Earth Observation Applications development, Satellite Operations, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences from Space, Solar-Terrestrial Science including Space Weather, Space debris.

Éric Loubier

Director General

The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) is the Government’s centre of excellence for geomatics, mapping, and earth observations.

David Harper

Director General

Monitoring and Data Services Directorate (MDSD) ensures that meteorological, climatological, hydrometric and environmental data and information are collected and managed.

Who's Attending

Olivier Paré
Policy Analyst
Marc Boucher
Regie Alam
ASG Mapping Ltd
Mark Freund
GIS Coordinator
Denis Hains
President & CEO
Robert Hamer
Geodetic Control Survey Specialist
MNRF Ontario
Sara Richard
Geomatics Specialist
Paula McLeod
Special Advisor
Geological Survey of Canada
Debbie Pagurek
Team Lead, Geospatial Services
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Catherine Robin
Section Chief (Geodetic Analysis and Development)
Yinsuo Zhang
Physical Scientist
Emily Holdsworth
GIS Technician Intern
Township of The Archipelago
Teri Anderson
Geomatics Engineer
Nicholas Kaluzny
Land & Resource Data Support Officer
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Bilyana Anicic
Aurora Consulting
Matthew Ladd
Ecosystems Research Analyst
Statistics Canada
Julie Botzas
Statistics Canada
Simon Irving
Data Scientist
Lauren Allen
Statistics Canada
Judith Marie Beaudoin
Land Surveyor
Government of Canada
Charles Papasodoro
Team Leader
Marie-Josee Valiquette
Senior Policy Analyst
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Kyle Little
Manager, Remote Sensing and Western Arctic Centre for Geomatics
NWT Centre for Geomatics
Nancy Chan-Wolowiec
GIS Technician
Natural Resources & Northern Development
Nga To
Business Applications Manager
Thompson-Nicola Regional District
Melanie Zahab
GIS Analyst
Library of Parliament
Steve Rogers
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

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