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Cross-border Data Transfer and Access / Trasferimento Internazionale dei Dati e Accesso ai Dati [EN/IT]

International CooperationItalian Sessions
12:00 PM, Tuesday 5 Apr 2022 (1 hour)
Lunch Break   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Scuola Grande di San Rocco - Sala Capitolare

Session in English interpreted into Italian / Sessione in inglese con la traduzione in italiano

In an increasingly interconnected world, highly inter-dependent, dealing with the challenges of the modern data-driven and digital world, though bringing tremendous benefits for our economies and societies, also becomes increasingly challenging for privacy and the protection of personal data.  

Data flows require mutual trust and cooperation, which should be based on the commitment to respect common principles // the creation of a common legal space.  

Each speaker will present the different challenges posed by transborder data transfer from the perspective of their respective institutions (European Commission, ICO/OECD Working Party, US Department of Justice, Cybercriminality/Budapest Convention). 


Keynote speaker
European Commission
Deputy Head of Unit "International Data Flows and Protection"
Council of Europe
Head of the Data Protection Unit, Secretary of Convention 108 Committee
PrivacyX Consulting
Director of Privacy Consulting & Special Advisor
Council of Europe
Head of the Cybercrime Division, Executive Secretary of the Cybercrime Convention Committee, Head of the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe in Bucharest
Department of Justice
Acting Director, Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
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