Gabriel Antonio Marão is an Electronic Engineer graduated FEI - São Paulo Brasil
Working Experience from 1969 to 2005 in New Technologies and Innovation in companies like Engesa Engenheiros Especializados S.A. / IBM Brazil / ITAU GROUP (Banco Itaú - Itautec -Itaú Tecnologia S.A. - ItauCom - Itaú Componentes S.A.- ITAUTEC INFORMÁTICA).
From 2005 until now has been cooperating with R&D intstitutions like Facti that is the foundation that supports CTI a Brazilian Government R&D Lab, and ITS Software Technology Institute.
CEO of Perception - Consulting and Technology Development Company.
President of the Brazilian IoT Forum (being one of its founders) having participated in the last years in the promotion and Developmentt of IoT in Brazil.