GIOTS IPv6 Forum Day "Enabling New Generation IPv6" III: Sessions
My Session Status
4:15 PM, Wednesday 7 Jun 2017
(1 hour 45 minutes)
GIoTSMobile Networks
16.15 - 17.00 Are we more secure with IPv6? - Eric Vyncke, Cisco
17.05 - 17.50 Industrial IoT - Patrick Wetterwald, CiscoContent of the session:
Two presentations - Details to follow soon
The public IPv4 address space managed by IANA ( has been completely depleted back in Feb 1st, 2011. This creates by itself an interesting challenge when adding new things and enabling new services on the Internet. Without public IP addresses, the Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities would be greatly reduced. Most discussions about IoT have been based on the illusionary assumption that the IP address space is an unlimited resource or it’s even taken for granted that IP is like oxygen produced for free by nature. To start with, IPv6 needs to be implemented to cater for the address space extension as a minimum.
The introduction of IPv6 provide enhanced features that were not tightly designed or scalable in IPv4 like IP mobility, ad hoc services and in-built security, catering for the extreme scenario where IP becomes a commodity service enabling lowest cost networking deployment of large scale sensor networks, RFID, IP in the car, to any imaginable scenario where networking adds value to commodity.
On another note, the Smart Cities concept as well as the Smart nation concept are taking a good deal of attention around the world especially with the drive of the public private partnership (PPP) concept aggregating different efforts together. Little is said however about IoT as a key enabler for the realization of present and future smart cities, which makes the interaction between smart things and the digital world possible. This interaction, powered by data analysis can massively influence real world entities and elements of the smart city eco-system to provide real-time feedback and actions for a more livable city with enhanced quality of life.
Some pioneering and practical success stories have emerged in different towns around the world such as the Linz Town in Austria or Barcelona, Amsterdam, Stockholm and many town in the US. Singapore has taken a bolder initiative to call for a Smart Nation initiative with ground breaking investments through the Infocomm Development Agency (iDA). The Mauritian Government has also launched the Smart City Scheme as an ambitious economic development programme aimed at consolidating the Mauritian International Business and Financial Hub by spurring investment through the development of smart cities across the island. In March 2016 itself, the Mauritius Board of Investment sent out letters of intent to the promoters of two Smart Cities Project in the island for a total estimated investment of 330 million Euros.
This session will therefore discuss the impact of having an IPv6-based IoT on Smart Cities by putting some sanity into IoT in the Smart City world, and presenting the challenges and solutions being considered in the context of several deployment scenarios or pre-standardization around the world. The short and long term benefits to economies such as Mauritius and other countries which are venturing full swing into this arena, are debated.