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Transatlantic Cross-border Data Transfers

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12:00 PM, martes 18 abr 2023 (1 hour)
LUNCH BREAK   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Scuola Grande di San Rocco - Sala Capitolare
International Cooperation
international cooperationCross-border data transfersData protection in practice

This panel will explore the interconnected nature of transatlantic cross-border data transfers with a variety of stakeholders. It will touch upon the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and other adequacy decisions as a means to bridge the gap between transatlantic data flows and standards. The panel will also explore key challenges to transatlantic data transfers, such as government access to data, and discuss international initiatives taken to develop a common framework of principles for such challenges. Finally, the panel will discuss both potential obstacles to data flows, as well as emerging trends, to consider what can be done to build more convergence across regions and foster a common language of principles and future interoperability. 

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