Mr Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Júnior
Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Junior is an electronic engineer, graduated from the Army Engineer Institute. Also, he is an officer of the Brazilian Army, graduated from the respected Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras. He holds a postgraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasília.
He held positions at the Telecommunications Directorate in support of the Army's private radio networks, in the Radio Service of the Ministry of the Army, as Chief of the Army Telecommunications Center and in the Office of the Minister of the Army, as head of the Telematics Section.
He represented Brazil as an instructor at the Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (EsPE), between 1996 and 1998. In 2004, he was General Coordinator for the Evaluation of Grants for the Broadcasting Service, at the Ministry of Communications, where he was part of the Digital TV Management Group, responsible for choosing the Brazilian SBTVD.
In the IT, Electrical Engineering and Communications sector, he was Project Coordinator at Instituto Cesar, Recife PE, from December 2010 to January 2013, in the Brigada Braço Forte project.
In preparation for and during the 2014 FIFA Confederations Cups, he was Telecommunications Coordinator at the FIFA Local Committee. He was Systems Engineering advisor at the Ingepro consortium, supporter of the SISFRON project, from February 2014 to August 2015. In his last role, in the current government, he was the President of Telecomunicações Brasileiras – Telebras, from January 2019 to November 2020.
Finally, he was a professor for more than 20 years at several higher education institutions in the Federal District, such as IESB, Universidade Católica de Brasília, Faculdades Michelângelo, UniCEUB, ICESP and Faculdade Alvorada.
Sessions in which Mr Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Júnior participates
martes 11 junio, 2024
Introduction Through insightful discussions and comparative analyses, speakers in this session explore the dynamic landscape of data protection regulations and practices at regional levels. They will also discuss various regional perspectives, from Asia-Pacific to Africa and Latin America, as well as present a comprehensive view on ongoing regional evolutions, commonalities, and disti...
miércoles 12 junio, 2024
While the EU–U.S. Data Privacy Framework, OECD Gov’t access principles and G7 Data Free Flows with Trust Initiative have paved the way for democracies to find common ground and cooperate on challenging data sharing issues, there are still gaps to fill and issues to solve. Law enforcement agencies worldwide are battling with a cumbersome process to investigate and prosecute cross border crime, while companies grapple with their ...
Introduction This session will discuss the interplay between data protection and economic development. It will try to move beyond position statements, to explore the facts and evidence of such interplay and potential trade-off. Is privacy limiting or accelerating economic development? What are the risks and economic impact on countries that do not provide high-level standards for...