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Ms Anna Cataleta

Senior Partner at P4I, Vice-President of Officine Dati
P4I - Partners4Innovation - Digital360
Uczestniczy w 1 Element

Senior Partner at Partners4Innovation – Gruppo Digital360;  Lawyer; Data Protection Manager for private companies; Legal Consultant on data protection issues for public and private entities; in charge of the privacy aspects of innovation and digital transformation (i.e. big data, automated processes, digital advertising, e -commerce and blockchain); in charge of institutional relations and organization of conferences on specific privacy issues. Teaching professor for private companies and speaker in university masters and specialization courses. She has participated in relevant conferences and webinars organized by Politecnico of Milan (MIP). Vice-President of the Association ‘Officine Dati’.

Elementy, w których Ms Anna Cataleta uczestniczy

wtorek 18 kwiecień, 2023

Strefa czasowa: (GMT+01:00) Rome
2:30 PO POŁUDNIU - 3:30 PO POŁUDNIU | 1 godz.
Data Protection in Italy
Sessions available in ItalianInnovative technologies and data protection