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Mr Sergio Aracu

Privacy Lawyer/Founding Partner
Area legale Srl
Uczestniczy w 1 Element

Avv. Sergio Aracu, corporate and business privacy lawyer, Founding Partner of Area Legale S.r.l..

Member of the Monitoring Body accredited by the Italian Control Authority for the monitoring of the Code of Conduct in accordance with art. 40 GDPR on telemarketing and teleselling.

After an experience in banking law, he entered the world of corporate legal consultancy.

Passionated about the study of personal data protection regulations all round but mostly in his practical applications, he is particularly specialized in direct marketing and accessibility.

Privacy Consultant and Data Protection Officer for leading corporate groups, public entities and trade associations.

Member of expert team charged for drafting the proposal of Italian Telemarketing Code of Conduct ex Art. 40 GDPR.

Speaker, lecturer and panelist in data protection and AI matters, co-author and presenter of the Radio-Podcast show “A Little Privacy Please…” ,

His skills have been certified by IAPP CIPP-E standard, TUV Sud standard for Privacy Officer and Privacy Consultant and by AICQ SICEV for 11697 DPO standard.

Elementy, w których Mr Sergio Aracu uczestniczy

wtorek 18 kwiecień, 2023

Strefa czasowa: (GMT+01:00) Rome
11:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM - 12:30 PO POŁUDNIU | 1 godz. 30 min.
Data Protection in Italy
Sessions available in ItalianCybersecurity

Direct Marketing: a phenomenon that is now essential in the business and commercial practices of any company, that nonetheless still raises questions of great importance when it comes to protecting the privacy of users and consumers. A meeting to trace the regulatory evolution, understand the implementation issues and the various potentialities of the national and European legislation, and address the risks of improper or fraudulent uses of these...