Renáta Radócz is a security and privacy project manager and researcher at Mandat International/IoT Lab. She manages research and outreach activities in the context of H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, specializing on activities related to standardization, privacy and personal data protection, ethics, and dissemination. As a member of the Europrivacy International Board of Experts she actively supports the continuous enhancement of the Europrivacy Certification Scheme and has been responsible for the development of the Europrivacy Academy and the Europrivacy training programs. She is a certified Europrivacy Auditor. Renáta holds a Master’s degree in Crisis and Security Management (Leiden University, The Netherlands) with a focus on intelligence, privacy and environmental issues, and has a background in international relations with an emphasis on European affairs and international law (University of Szeged, Hungary).
Elementy, w których Ms Renáta Radócz uczestniczy
poniedziałek 17 kwiecień, 2023
Five years after GDPR came into effect, thousands of new Data Protection Officers have been nominated, however, their level of proficiency is extremely variable. Moreover, some countries, like Germany have had DPO for many decades where others, especially recent EU members only introduce the role a few years ago. The need to recruit, train and educate DPO is therefore very high as well as very different across European countries.