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Evolution of the Broadway Musical Ensemble: Stories of Its Grandeur and Ebb from the Stage and Beyond

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1:00 PM, Sunday 10 Jul 2022 (1 hour)
New Yorker Hotel - Sutton Place Suite
Theatre HistoryTheatrical Specialties

In the opening number of A Chorus Line, the ensemblists auditioning infamously hope and harriedly sing: “God, I hope I get it. I hope I get it. How many people does he need? How many boys? How many girls?” The answer varies vastly depending upon the show’s era of composition, the dramatic function of its ensemble, and the size of its budget and cast, but one fact is undeniable: Broadway ensembles have shrunk significantly over the course of the industry’s history. The ensemble is as integral to Broadway musicals as seasoning is to good food; without one, the other is simply lackluster and bland. But how can an aspect so integral to the art of musical theatre as the Broadway ensemble and the plight of its historic decline in size be so little examined, under researched, and unrecognized? And how does such a trend affect the Broadway professionals of today?

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