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Bollywood and Broadway

1:00 PM, Friday 27 Jan 2017 (50 minutes)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center - Programming Room B
If there's anyone who can understand BroadwayCon's love of musicals, it's fans of Indian Bollywood movies with all their song-and-dance spectacle. We've seen Bollywood bleed into Broadway; the stage adaptations of Bombay Dreams and Bend It Like Beckham in London, and Bollywood-inspired numbers on "Smash" and "Crazy-Ex Girlfriend." But what exactly is Bollywood? Where did the music and dance style originate, and how did it evolve? Proma Khosla is a lifelong student of Indian dance and a Bollywood fangirl here to help you fall in love with a whole new genre of musical.

Entertainment Reporter
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