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Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Friday 14 February, 2020

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Space Navies Science Fiction
1 hour, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Ted Butler but (Participant)

Doug Staudt, TRIFI film festival (Participant)

Mr. Shawn Merrow, The Royal Manticoran Navy (Participant)

Space Navies Science Fiction has created a wide variety of navies that operate in space. They range from the Star Destroyers of Star Wars to the Ro...
3:15 PM
3:15 PM
World Building 101
1 hour, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Will Carson, Attention Span Games (Participant)

Jayne Goude, Aegis Crew (Participant)

Levi juchau (Participant)

Sanan Kolva, N/A (Participant)

Wesley Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Aegis Crew) (Potential)

Joey Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Potential)

EM Prazeman (Potential)

Josh Haas, Aegis of the Elements Team (Participant)

4:30 PM
4:30 PM
The Writer/Agent Relationship
1 hour, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Frog Jones, Impulsive Walrus Books (Participant)

John Lovett, Two Script Guys (Moderator)

Joseph Malik, Oxblood Booke (Participant)

You hear it from everyone—finding representation is the key to opening doors. So what should you be looking for in an agent, and what can you expec...
5:45 PM
5:45 PM
Self-publish and Upload Your Book Online
1 hour, 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Elizabeth R. Alix, PalouseDigitalPress (Moderator)

James Clegg (Participant)

Rory Miller (Participant)

Jeanette M. Bennett, Flight of Fancy Publishing (Participant)

7:00 PM
7:00 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Sanan Kolva, N/A (Moderator)

James Clegg (Potential)

Judy Johnson (Participant)

Ted Butler but (Potential)

Bonnie K.T. Dillabough, Infinite Publishing Alliance (Participant)

John Lovett, Two Script Guys (Participant)

Doug Odell, Doug Odell (Participant)

Regardless of which comes first when you craft a story, the characters or the world, they need to work together. But sometimes, that amazing new pl...
8:15 PM
8:15 PM
Relativity and Science Fiction
1 hour, 8:15 PM - 9:15 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Gregory Mendell, LIGO (Moderator)

Saturday 15 February, 2020

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Freelancing for Fun and Profit
1 hour, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Manny Frishberg, SFWA (Participant)

S. Evan Townsend, None (Moderator)

Frog Jones, Impulsive Walrus Books (Participant)

Rory Miller (Participant)

Matt McElroy (Participant)

Matt Haynes, Haynes Narration (Potential)

10:15 AM
10:15 AM
Conlanging 101: Fantasy Languages
1 hour, 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Judy Johnson (Participant)

Joseph Malik, Oxblood Booke (Moderator)

Frog Jones, Impulsive Walrus Books (Participant)

Josh Haas, Aegis of the Elements Team (Participant)

11:30 AM
11:30 AM
Shapeshifters in Fiction
1 hour, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Manny Frishberg, SFWA (Participant)

Frances Pauli, (Moderator)

Luna Corbden (Participant)

S. Evan Townsend, None (Participant)

Matt Haynes, Haynes Narration (Potential)

Joyce Reynolds-Ward (Participant)

 From myth and legend to fantasy, horror and, yes, even romance, the shifter character has a long tradition of lore and trope behind it. Why d...
12:45 PM
12:45 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Mr. Scott James Magner, ARUS Entertainment (Participant)

Ted Butler but (Participant)

Bill Gruner (Participant)

Matt Haynes, Haynes Narration (Potential)

EM Prazeman (Participant)

Sanan Kolva, N/A (Participant)

2:00 PM
2:00 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Esther Jones, Impulsive Walrus Books (Moderator)

Frog Jones, Impulsive Walrus Books (Participant)

James Clegg (Participant)

Mr. Scott James Magner, ARUS Entertainment (Participant)

Game Goblin (Participant)

Jason Andrew Bond, Kimura Publishing LLC (Participant)

3:15 PM
3:15 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


John Lovett, Two Script Guys (Moderator)

A thirty year veteran of making motion pictures and television, starting in a small production company, he has produced and written numerous milita...
4:30 PM
4:30 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Bobbie Benton Hull (Moderator)

Manny Frishberg, SFWA (Participant)

Jason Andrew Bond, Kimura Publishing LLC (Participant)

Elizabeth R. Alix, PalouseDigitalPress (Participant)

Frances Pauli, (Participant)

EM Prazeman (Potential)

Do you find yourself able to sit at the keyboard and let the story flow from beginning to end, or do you find yourself stumped after the first scen...
8:15 PM
8:15 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Josh Haas, Aegis of the Elements Team (Moderator)

Will Carson, Attention Span Games (Participant)

Joey Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Participant)

Wesley Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Aegis Crew) (Participant)

Levi juchau (Participant)

Come talk with the Aegis crew. Learn about Vendrial, the Aegis and the upcoming projects within the Aegis of the Elements IP. Including the Board G...

Sunday 16 February, 2020

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
When Genres Collide
1 hour, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


S. Evan Townsend, None (Participant)

James Clegg (Participant)

Joseph Malik, Oxblood Booke (Potential)

Judy Johnson (Participant)

Siana Wineland (Participant)

Elizabeth R. Alix, PalouseDigitalPress (Participant)

Sanan Kolva, N/A (Participant)

How pure do you like your writing? What recipe is preferred by readers? Scifi with a dash of fantasy? Fantasy with a pinch of romance, or a whole c...
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
Physical Health and Writing
1 hour, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


EM Prazeman (Moderator)

Rory Miller (Participant)

Ted Butler but (Participant)

Bonnie K.T. Dillabough, Infinite Publishing Alliance (Participant)

Joey Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Participant)

Wesley Kalitovic, Attention Span Games (Aegis Crew) (Participant)

Writing, especially full time writing, is an athletic endeavor that will destroy your body if you don't take care of it. We'll discuss exercises, s...
12:45 PM
12:45 PM
Sanan Kolva Reading
30 minutes, 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM

Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA - 3129- Writing Track


Sanan Kolva, N/A (Moderator)