Paige Campbell
Sessions in which Paige Campbell participates
Thursday 9 June, 2022
Sessions in which Paige Campbell attends
Friday 10 June, 2022
Authors: Helya Aghazadeh, Audrey Chan. Author Disclosure Block: H. Aghazadeh: None. A. Chan: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: To investigate the role and reliability of apraclonidine (brand name Iopidine) eye drops in assessment of ptosis and surgical planning for ptosis repair.Study Design: This study is designed as a retrospective chart review.Methods: A ret...
Saturday 11 June, 2022
Authors: Emily Xi Liao, Aqsa Saleem, Jordan Huang, Matthew Larocque, Geetha Menon, Albert Murtha, Ezekiel Weis. Author Disclosure Block: E. Liao: None. A. Saleem: None. J. Huang: None. M. Larocque: None. G. Menon: None. A. Murtha: None. E. Weis: None.Purpose: Uveal melanoma, the most common intra-ocular tumor and vision sparing treatment, comes with increased risk of local failure and radiation retinopathy. Treatment of pe...