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Paediatric Ophthalmology, Game Changers!

My Session Status

Talk | Exposé
1:30 PM, Saturday 11 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Break in the Exhibition Hall    03:00 PM to 03:45 PM (45 minutes)
Pediatric Ophthalmology

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe aspects of congenital ptosis clinical management  
  2. Recent advances in paediatric screening 
  3. Understand the strabismus complications of foveal ectopia 

CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar

Sub Sessions

1:30 PM - 1:33 PM | 3 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology
1:33 PM - 1:48 PM | 15 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Keynote Speaker

Andrea Molinari

Keynote speaker
1:48 PM - 1:55 PM | 7 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology
1:55 PM - 2:05 PM | 10 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology

Authors: Daniel Lamoureux, Amer Al-Aref, Vishaal Bhambhwani. Northern Ontario School of Medicine.Author Disclosure Block: D. Lamoureux: None. A. Al-Aref: None. V. Bhambhwani: None. Title: Radiological findings in patients with isolated acute-...

2:05 PM - 2:15 PM | 10 minutes
Pediatric OphthalmologyAward WinnerThird Prize, COS Awards of Excellence

Third Prize, COS Awards of Excellence in Ophthalmic ResearchCAPOS Award for Best Resident PaperAuthors: Athithan Ambikkumar, Raheem Remtulla, Raquel Beneish, Pierre Lachapelle.  McGill University.Author Disclosure Block: A. Ambikkum...

2:15 PM - 2:25 PM | 10 minutes
Pediatric OphthalmologyAward Winner

CAPOS Award for Best Resident PaperAuthors: Sarah K. Yeo1, Daniel Lamoureux2, Vishaal Bhambhwani3. 1University of Ottawa, 2Northern Ontario School of Medicine, 3Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.Author Disclosure Block:  S.K. Yeo:

2:25 PM - 2:35 PM | 10 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology

Authors: Bashar M. Bata1, Sina Khalili2, Asim Ali2, Michael M. Wan2, Kamiar Mireskandari2. 1Dalhousie University, 2The Hospital for Sick Children.Author Disclosure Block: B.M. Bata: None. S. Khalili: None. A. Ali: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s)...

2:35 PM - 2:50 PM | 15 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Keynote Speaker

Andrea Molinari

Keynote speaker
2:50 PM - 3:00 PM | 10 minutes
Pediatric Ophthalmology

Andrea Molinari

Keynote speaker

My Session Status

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