Academic global ophthalmology – the integrating force in eliminating blindness
My Session Status
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
• Understand the specific niche that an academic global ophthalmologist fills
• Describe various possible career paths and training in global ophthalmology
• Demonstrate how technology can increase access to eye health
CanMEDS Roles: Health Advocate, Collaborator
Sub Sessions
Authors: Joshua Huang, Jordan Huang, Jaxon Huang, AndreaSteeves, Paul Huang, Katherine Huang, Stephen Huang, William Astle, John Huang, Peter Huang.Author Disclosure Block: J. Huang: None. J. Huang: None. J. Huang: None. A. Steeves: None. P. Huang:None. K. Huang: None. S. Huang: None. W. Astle: None. J. Huang:...
Authors: Weronika Jakubowska ,Antony Theogène, BernardHurley. Author Disclosure Block: W. Jakubowska: None. A. Theogène: None. B. Hurley: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: Th...
Authors: Daniel Milad, Fares Antaki,Renaud Duval. Author Disclosure Block: D. Milad: None. F. Antaki: None. R. Duval: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Alcon,&nbs...
Authors: Amy Basilious ,Alexander Deans, Chris Govas, Robin Deans, Cindy Hutnik. Author Disclosure Block: A. Basilious: None. A. Deans: None. C. Govas: None. R. Deans: None. C. Hutnik: None.
Authors: Fatemeh Heidary.Author Disclosure Block: F. Heidary: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: This study aimed to elucidate the bacterial and fungal profile of pathogens for specimensobtain...