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STC: Technologies & Public and Global Eye Health Research

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10:45 AM, Friday 10 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall    12:15 PM to 01:30 PM (1 hour 15 minutes)
Skills Transfer Course (STC)Public Health and Global Ophthalmology


Despite advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques, our remote and marginalized populations are often inadequately managed. The purpose of this workshop is to explore various modalities, such as smartphone technologies, telemedicine and mobile unit, to reach remote communities and marginalized urban populations. Some of our newer members of the Canadian Association for Public Health and Global Ophthalmology will discuss how to get involved in outreach programs and public and global eye health research. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify applications of smartphone technology that could have implications for testing eye diseases
  • Compare remote testing modalities, such as apps, mobile units and telemedicine
  • Discuss the utility of remote testing modalities
  • Recognize barriers to care for marginalized populations

CanMEDS Roles: Manager, Communicator, Collaborator, Health Advocate, Professional

Advance registration is required.
Registration is open to: Any physicians, allied health practitioners, fellows, residents, and medical students with an interest in public and global eye health research.

Max. 30 participants
Fee: $50



Sub Sessions

10:45 AM - 10:50 AM | 5 minutes
10:50 AM - 10:55 AM | 5 minutes
10:55 AM - 11:00 AM | 5 minutes
11:00 AM - 11:25 PM | 12 hours 25 minutes
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM | 20 minutes
12:10 PM - 12:15 PM | 5 minutes

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