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Risk of herpetic keratitis recurrence following initiation of topical anti-glaucoma medications

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Paper Presentation | Présentation d'article
4:55 PM, Friday 10 Jun 2022 (5 minutes)

Authors: Bonnie He1, Hamid Tavakoli2, Mahyar Etminan2, Shayan Shokoohi2, Alfonso Iovieno2, Sonia Yeung2. 1Dalhousie University, 2University of British Columbia.

Author Disclosure Block: B. He: None. H. Tavakoli: None. M. Etminan: None. S. Shokoohi: None. A. Iovieno: None. S. Yeung: None.


Title: Risk of herpetic keratitis recurrence following initiation of topical anti-glaucoma medications


Abstract Body:

Purpose: Numerous case reports have associated anti-glaucoma medications with recurrence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and herpes zoster virus (HZV) keratitis. The aim of our study was to determine whether different anti-glaucoma agents are associated with recurrence of herpetic keratitis.
Study Design: This was a retrospective cohort study using health databases from a Canadian province from January 2001 to December 2012.
Methods: A new cohort of users on topical prostaglandins (PGs), beta blockers (BBs), alpha-2 agonists (AAs) and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) was created. The date of the third anti-glaucoma drug dispensation within 90 days was deemed the index date of the case. Herpetic keratitis events, as defined by an ICD-9/10 code for HSV or HZV keratitis, or the dispensation of an anti-viral medication by either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, were examined prior to and following the index date. Risk ratios (RRs) were computed to compare the risk of HSV/HZV keratitis among the PG, BB, AA, and CAI groups individually and collectively while adjusting for age and sex.
Results: Among 19,986 users of glaucoma medications identified, there were 684 cases of HSV/HZV keratitis. There was no increased risk of HSV/HZV keratitis recurrence for any of the four glaucoma medications classes individually or collectively when adjusted for age and sex. There was also no increased risk for redeveloping either HSV keratitis only or HZV keratitis only amongst all anti-glaucoma users.
Conclusions: There is no association between the use of topical ocular hypotensive therapies and HSV/HZV keratitis recurrence. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.

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