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Treating Dry Eye Disease: New Solutions for the Present

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In Person
6:30 PM, Tuesday 12 Jun 2018 (2 hours 25 minutes)
Dry Eye Disease
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Identify patients and populations at risk for Dry Eye Disease (DED) 
  • Describe the underlying mechanisms contributing to DED, including the role of the inflammatory cascade 
  • Apply the DEWS IITM definitions and classifications of DED 
  • Diagnose DED and perform an initial work-up to guide subsequent therapy 
  • Describe how new available treatments fit into the therapeutic arsenal for DED and choose the appropriate therapeutic options for patients

06:30 PM ADT: Registration
07:30 PM ADT: Presentation
08:55 PM ADT: Conclusion and Evaluation

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