Understanding How Neuro-ophthalmological Diseases Present and How We Manage Them
My Session Status
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Review the approach to the patient with atypical optic neuritis
- Describe epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
- Evaluate the management of neuro-ophthalmological emergencies by ophthalmologists in Canada
CANMEDS ROLES: Medical Expert, Scholar
Sub Sessions
Authors: Zainab Khan, Julie Vadboncoeur, Yasmine Rabia, Bouchra Serhir, Claude Fortin, Annie-Claude Labbé, Kinda Najem, Laurence Jaworski, Marie-Josée Aubin Author Disclosure Block: Z. Khan: None. J. Vadboncoeur: None. Y. Rabia: None. B. Serhir: None. C. Fortin: None. A. Labbé: None. K. Najem: None. L. Jaworski: None. M. Aubin: Grant/research support; Name of Commercial Company(s); AbbVie. Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Name of Commercial Company(s); Gilead. Membershi...
Authors: Henry Liu, Chiara La Morgia, Lidia Di Vito, Samir Nazarali, Isabelle Gauthier, Maleeha Syed, Alexander Pearson, Jasdeep Chahal, Mike Ammar, Michelle Carbonelli, Piero Barboni, Anna Maria De Negri, Frederico Sadun, Valerio Carelli, Alfredo Sadun, Rustum Karanjia Author Disclosure Block: H. Liu: None. C. La Morgia: None. L. Di Vito: None. S. Nazarali: None. I. Gauthier: None. M. Syed: None. A. Pearson: None. J. Chahal: None. M. Ammar: None. M. Carbonelli: None. P. Bar...
Authors: Colten Wendel, Jiyoung Hwang, Andre Mattman, Hilary Vallance, Claire A. Sheldon Author Disclosure Block: C. Wendel: None. J. Hwang: None. A. Mattman: None. H. Vallance: None. C.A. Sheldon: None.Abstract Body: Purpose: With promising clinical trials, there is a need for an accurate understanding of the epidemiology of LHON. This study aims to estimate the prevalence and describe the clinical presentation of LHON in British Co...
Authors: Harrish Nithianandan, Irfan N. Kherani, Danah H. Albreiki Author Disclosure Block: H. Nithianandan: None. I.N. Kherani: None. D.H. Albreiki: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: The purpose of this prospective survey study was to identify variability in the management of neuro-ophthalmic emergencies by practicing ophthalmologists in Canada. Study Design: This was a prospective survey study.
Authors: Isabelle D. Gauthier, Shireen Hussein, Henry Liu, Ismail Abdulle, Alexander Pearson, David H. Zackon, Daniel Lelli, Rustum Karanjia Author Disclosure Block: I.D. Gauthier: None. S. Hussein: None. H. Liu: None. I. Abdulle: None. A. Pearson: None. D.H. Zackon: None. D. Lelli: None. R. Karanjia: None. Abstract Body:Purpose: Subspecialty eye care clinics are responsible for providing ...
Authors: Ismail Abdulle, Henry Liu, Jesse Gale, Matin Khoshenvis, Lissa Poincenot, David Baron, Rustum Karanjia, Alfredo Sadun, Isabelle Gauthier, Shireen Hussein, Alexander Pearson, Starleen Frousiakis Author Disclosure Block: I. Abdulle: None. H. Liu: None. J. Gale: None. M. Khoshenvis: None. L. Poincenot: None. D. Baron: None. R. Karanjia: None. A. Sadun: None. I. Gauthier: None. S. Hussein: None. A. Pearson: None. S. Frousiakis,: None. Abstract Body: ...