Milena Cioana
Sessions auxquelles Milena Cioana participe
Dimanche 12 Juin, 2022
Authors: Milena Cioana, James Im, Yvonne Buys, Hatem Krema, Sophia Liu, Peng Yan, Ya-Ping Jin.Author Disclosure Block: M. Cioana: None. J. Im: None. Y. Buys: Funded grants or clinical trials; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Ontario’s Ministry of Health for the COVID-19 Challenge Questions Initiative; Glaucoma Research Society of Canada. Funded grants or clinical trials; Description of relationship(s); Grant/Research support. H....
Sessions auxquelles Milena Cioana assiste
Jeudi 9 Juin, 2022
Objectifs d’apprentissageÀ la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :Mettre en pratique des compétences qui complètent leur formation en résidence pour gérer des complications et améliorer leur acuité chirurgicale. Évaluer et comparer différentes voies de pratique (p. ex., surspécialité, milieu universitaire, milieu communautaire, milieu rural). Démontrer une meilleure compréhension du volet financier de l’op...
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Au cours de ce symposium présenté durant le petit déjeuner, des femmes inspirantes partageront leur vision avec nous. Vous découvrirez jusqu’où leur enthousiasme contagieux pourrait vous mener. Laissez-les vous transformer par leur présence et leur puissante énergie. Objectifs d'apprentissageÀ la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :Apprendre au moyen d’exemples de carrières diversifiées.
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:Describe the current surgical options available in management of glaucoma in Canada – filtering surgery and angle based surgeryIntegrate the most recent evidence for each surgical option and apply them to their clinical decision makingAssess new development in genomics and how it can optimize our surgical managementCanMEDS Roles:
Authors: Prem A. H. Nichani1, Benjamin Solomon2, Tanya Trinh3, Michael Mimouni4, David Rootman1, Neera Singal1, Clara C. Chan1. 1Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 2Undergraduate Medical Education, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 3Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital, 4Rambam Health Care Campus.
Authors: Imaan Z. Kherani, Julia Farah, Rajinder Nirwan, Natalia Figueiredo, Anna Ells, Michael Fielden, R. Geoff Williams, Amin Kherani, Olga Ziozina.Author Disclosure Block: I.Z. Kherani: None. J. Farah: None. R. Nirwan: None. N. Figueiredo: None. A. Ells: None. M. Fielden: None. R. Williams: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Bayer, Novartis, Roche. Funded grants or clinical ...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:Describe the impact of racism in medicine and healthcare, and identify approaches towards active anti-racismDescribe emerging research on gender equity in ophthalmologyApply best practices to become effective allies and advocates in the healthcare setting, with a special emphasis on the needs of vulnerable populationsIntegrate Indigenous health concep...
Learning Objectives:To review diagnostic modalities to identify corneal disease.To understand the role of viral disease in the cornea.To evaluate methods for ocular surface reconstruction.CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Learning Objectives:Assess the effect of various new surgical procedures on IOP and their potential complications through researchDescribe the quality of meta-analysis performed in glaucoma literatureDescribe side effect associated with commonly used glaucoma medicationCanMEDS Roles: Scholar, Collaborator
Authors: Seema Emami, Jenn Qian, Nupura Bakshi. Author Disclosure Block: S. Emami: None. J. Qian: None. N. Bakshi: None.Purpose: Gender diversity has increased among ophthalmologists in recent decades. However, previous studies have reported under-representation of women in academic authorship and leadership roles,surgical volumes, and financial compensation. We report the gender distribution of speakers across maj...
Authors: Jeff Park, Yuanxin Xue, Tina FelfeliAuthor Disclosure Block: J. Park: None. Y. Xue: None. T. Felfeli: None.Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the representation of female editors-in-chief (EiCs) in ophthalmology journals globally, and to compare the proportion of female EiCs between journals grouped by geographical regions, impact factor quartiles and subspecialties within ophthalmology. Stud...
Authors: Emaan Chaudry, Deeksha Kundapur, Nadine Cheffi, Sarah Yeo, Adil BhattiAuthor Disclosure Block: E. Chaudry: None. D. Kundapur: None. N. Cheffi: None. S. Yeo: None. A. Bhatti: None.Purpose: Females accounted for only 3.1% of all ophthalmologists in Canada in 1970. Tremendous growth has been observed in the representation of women in ophthalmology, accounting for 28% as of 2019. Despite this improvement, studies h...
Samedi 11 Juin, 2022
Description : Malgré l’universalité des soins de santé au Canada, d’importantes disparités, notamment en matière de facteurs de risque, d’accès aux services de soins de santé, de morbidité et de mortalité, continuent de toucher les populations vulnérables. Les causes sous-jacentes de ces disparités en santé sont associées à des iniquités sociales, économiques, culturelles et politiques. Vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans la prestation de soins oculaires au sein d...
Authors: Tina Felfeli, MD1, Rafael N. Miranda, DDS2, Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC3, David M. J. Naimark, MD, MSc, FRCPC4. 1Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment (THETA) Collaborative, Uni...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Manage macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusionDescribe management of peripapillary choroidal melanomasIntegrate new concepts in retinal detachment managementCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Authors: Varun Chaudhary, Anat Loewenstein, Veeral Sheth, Karl Csaky, Rose Edmonds, Michael Chang, Jeffrey R. Willis, Zdenka Haskova, Peter D. Westenskow. Author Disclosure Block: V. Chaudhary: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Novartis, Bayer. Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Description of relationship(s); Speaker fees. Membership on ad...
Authors: Varun Chaudhary, Jean-François Korobelnik, Paul Mitchell, Se Woong Kang, Ramin Tadayoni, Helmut Allmeier, JinKyung Lee, Tobias Machewitz, Kristian T. Johnson, Clare Bailey. Author Disclosure Block: V. Chaudhary: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Novartis, Bayer. Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Description of relationship(s); Spe...
Authors: Jeff Park, Tina Felfeli, Imaan Z. Kherani, Filiberto Altomare, David R. Chow, David T. Wong. Author Disclosure Block: J. Park: None. T. Felfeli: None. I.Z. Kherani: None. F. Altomare: None. D.R. Chow: None. D.T. Wong: None.Purpose: To characterize the baseline prevalence of subretinal fluid (SRF), and its effects on anatomical and visual acuity (VA) outcomes in diabetic macular edema (DME) and retinal vein occlusi...
Authors: Imaan Z. Kherani1, Chad Andrews2, Jennifer Pereira3, Larissa Moniz4, Cynthia X. Qian5. 1Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 2College of Optometrists of Ontario, 3JRL Research & Consulting Inc., 4Fighting Blindness Canada, 5Department of Ophthalmology, Universite de Montreal.Author Disclosure Block: I.Z. Kherani: None. C. Andrews: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Fighting Blin...
Authors: Ellen Tianwei Zhou, Pierre-Olivier Kassis, Cynthia Qian, Patrick Hamel, Sylvain Chemtob, Anne-Monique Nuyt, Thuy Mai Luu.Author Disclosure Block: E.T. Zhou: None. P. Kassis: None. C. Qian: None. P. Hamel: None. S. Chemtob: None. A. Nuyt: None. T. Luu: None.Purpose: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) remains the dominant cause of severe visual impairment in childhood in North America and Europe. With the improvement in ne...
Dimanche 12 Juin, 2022
LEARNING OBJECTIVESAt the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:Identify the critical unmet needs in neovascular AMD and DME managementDemonstrate a comprehensive understanding of new therapeutic agents and their mechanism of action in nAMD and DME managementExamine how to incorporate new therapeutic options into current management strategies for patients with nAMD and DMEApply new insights from multi-modal imagin...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Recognize features of optic neuritis requiring prompt investigation and more aggressive managementDescribe the challenges of and barriers to delivering eye care to indigent populationsRecognize features of optic neuritis requiring prompt investigation and more aggressive management
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Describe the impact of visual impairment on overall health maintenance• Understand the unique aspect of eye health needs in vulnerable populations such as homelessness• Describe the Canadian human resource landscape and challenges augmented by COVID. CanMEDS Roles: Health Advocate, Collaborator
Authors: Irina Sverdlichenko, Caberry W. Yu, Edward Margolin, Jonathan A. Micieli. Author Disclosure Block: I. Sverdlichenko: None. C.W. Yu: None. E. Margolin: None. J.A. Micieli: None.Purpose: The relationship between anemia and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) continues to be controversial. The goal of the present study was to: 1) Determine the relative prevalence of anemia in IIH patients compared to age and s...
Authors: Amy Basilious ,Alexander Deans, Chris Govas, Robin Deans, Cindy Hutnik. Author Disclosure Block: A. Basilious: None. A. Deans: None. C. Govas: None. R. Deans: None. C. Hutnik: None.
Authors: Laura Donaldson, Mariam Issa, Victoria Dezard, Edward Margolin. Author Disclosure Block: L. Donaldson: None. M. Issa: None. V. Dezard: None. E. Margolin: None.Purpose: While most concerning underlying causes of ptosis such as third nerve palsy and Horner’s syndrome can be ruled out by normal pupillary and ocular motility examinations, myasthenia gravis (MG) can also present with ptosis. The incidence of ocular mya...