Sessions auxquelles Karin Oliver participe
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
At the end of this session participants will be able to:Demonstrate increased knowledge in the diagnosis and management of several infectious uveitis pathologies Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitis Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitisCanMEDS Roles:Medical Expert, Scholar
At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Demonstrate increased knowledge on the use of biosimilar agents and fluid analysis in the diagnosis and management of uveitis. • Integrate pearls on the management of ocular hypertension, postoperative inflammation in uveitis. CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Sessions auxquelles Karin Oliver assiste
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Determine the ocular conditions associated with obstructive sleep apneaDescribe how racism operates within health care in parallel ways to how racism operates in other settingsProvide a framework for how we can move from supportive statements to anti-racist actionCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
At the end of this session participants will be able to:Demonstrate increased knowledge in the diagnosis and management of several infectious uveitis pathologies Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitis Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitisCanMEDS Roles:Medical Expert, Scholar
Authors: Tyler J. Henry Gurkaran S. Sarohia, Natalia Figueiredo, Natalie Dougherty, Matthew Tennant, Alejandra Ugarte-Torres, Hoi Tai Fung, R. Geoff Williams, Michael Fielden, Anna Ells, Patrick Mitchell, Mark Greve, Rizwan Somani, Chad Baker, Brad Hinz, Mark Seamone, David Ehmann, Amin Kherani.Author Disclosure Block: T.J. Henry:
Authors: Delphine Gobert, Justine Rheault, Simon Couture, Isabelle Schmit. Département d'Ophtalmologie et ORL-Chirurgie cervico-faciale, Université Laval.Author Disclosure Block: D. Gobert: None. J. Rheault: None. S. Couture: None. I. Schmit: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) is a rapidly progressing viral necrotizing retinitis that can have devastating consequ...
Authors: Mélanie Hébert, Soumaya Bouhout, Marie-Josée Aubin.Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement, CHU de Québec – Université Laval, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont.Author Disclosure Block: M. Hébert: None. S. Bouhout: None. M. Aubin: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: To report cases of toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection or vaccination.Study ...
Authors: Arshia Eshtiaghi, Tina Felfeli, Felicia Tai, Jess Rhee, Kira Dzulynsky, Michael Kryshtalskyj, Hatim Batawi, Nupura Bakshi, Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky.University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: A. Eshtiaghi: None. T. Felfeli: Funded grants or clinical trials; Name of for- profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Fighting Blindness Canada, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Canada Graduate Scholarship-Masters, the Vision Science Research...
Authors: Michael T. Kryshtalskyj, Tina Felfeli, Jeremy Rau, Nupura Bakshi, Larissa A. Derzko- Dzulynsky.Department of Surgery (Section of Ophthalmology), University of Calgary, 2Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto, 3Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University.Author Disclosure Block: M.T. Kryshtalskyj: None. T. Felfeli: None. J. Rau: None. N. Bakshi: None. L.A. Derzko-Dzulynsky: None...
Authors: Imaan Z. Kherani, Julia Farah, Rajinder Nirwan, Natalia Figueiredo, Anna Ells, Michael Fielden, R. Geoff Williams, Amin Kherani, Olga Ziozina.Author Disclosure Block: I.Z. Kherani: None. J. Farah: None. R. Nirwan: None. N. Figueiredo: None. A. Ells: None. M. Fielden: None. R. Williams: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Bayer, Novartis, Roche. Funded grants or clinical ...