Dr. Weronika Jakubowska
Sessions auxquelles Dr. Weronika Jakubowska participe
Dimanche 12 Juin, 2022
Authors: Weronika Jakubowska ,Antony Theogène, BernardHurley. Author Disclosure Block: W. Jakubowska: None. A. Theogène: None. B. Hurley: None.Abstract Body:Purpose: Th...
Sessions auxquelles Dr. Weronika Jakubowska assiste
Jeudi 9 Juin, 2022
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Samedi 11 Juin, 2022
Authors: C. Maya Tong1, David J. A. Plemel2, Stanley Chan2. 1University of Montreal, 2University of Alberta.Author Disclosure Block: C. Tong: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Dompe. Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Description of relationship(s);...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Define the signs and symptoms of Limbal Stem Cell DeficiencyDescribe the treatment modalities currently in use to treat Limbal Stem Cell DeficiencyDescribe how gene-based therapy is used to treat retinal diseaseDescribe how cell-based therapy is used to treat retinal diseaseCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Professional