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Health care utilization, adherence, prevalence, and risk factors of dry eyes after cataract surgery

Paper Presentation | Présentation d'article
11:25 AM, Samedi 11 Juin 2022 (12 heures 5 minutes)
Dîner dans la salle d’exposition   12:15 PM à 01:30 PM (1 heure 15 minutes)
Pause dans la salle d’exposition   03:00 PM à 03:45 PM (45 minutes)

Authors: Saffire H. Krance1, Sohel Somani2, Eric Tam2, Fahmeeda Murtaza2, Hannah Chiu2
1Schulich School off Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Temetry Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Author Disclosure Block: S.H. Krance: None. S. Somani: None. E. Tam: None. F. Murtaza: None. H. Chiu: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Johnson and Johnson Advisory Board. Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Description of relationship(s); Member.


Title: Health care utilization, adherence, prevalence, and risk factors of dry eyes after cataract surgery


Abstract Body:

Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to quantify healthcare utilization and patient visits attributed to dry eye symptoms following cataract surgery. The secondary purpose is to identify preoperative risk factors for postoperative dry eye symptoms.
Study Design: Retrospective longitudinal cohort study.
Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted in patients who underwent uncomplicated cataract surgery in 2019 in an outpatient surgical centre in Ontario, Canada. Patients included were 18 years or older with preoperative Dry Eye Questionnaire 5 (DEQ5) scores (score range: 0-2 = none, 3-8 = mild, 9-15 = moderate, 16-22 = severe dry eye symptoms). Extracted data included preoperative DEQ5, preoperative treatment for dry eyes, adherence, presence of risk factors associated with dry eyes, phacoemulsification time and duration, and post-op visit data. Post-operative dry eye symptom prevalence, and quantity of visits due to dry eye concerns were calculated. Risk of postoperative dry eye symptoms from DEQ5 scores was determined via binary logistic regression. Dry eye symptom risk factors were analyzed as covariates in whole-group and subgroup regressions. Odds ratios (OR) for post-operative dry eye symptoms after (1) pre-operative prophylaxis use, and (2) between no/mild and moderate/severe DEQ5 pre-operative scores, were determined.
Results: 150 patients were included (49% male, mean age 71 years± 11). The mean preoperative DEQ5 score was 5.2±4.7, with 79% of patients having no/mild pre-operative dry eye symptoms scores. 18% of patients had post-operative dry eye concerns. Patients had a mean of 3.1 (1-15) visits; of 471 visits, 8.9% were due to dry eye symptom concerns. Preoperative DEQ5 scores in the whole group, and within subgroups (i.e. none/mild, moderate/severe), did not significantly predict post-operative dry eye symptoms in the group (p=0.82, p=0.52, p=0.82, respectively). OPD mires suggestive of dry eyes, glaucoma medication use, and anti-VEGF injections as covariates did not predict dry eye symptom concerns. There was non-significant risk difference in those receiving preoperative dry eye treatment versus no treatment (OR=1.7, CI 0.7-4.0), regardless of DEQ5 group. Patients in no/mild versus moderate/severe DEQ5 groups had no significant difference in postoperative dry eye symptoms concern likelihood (OR=1.1, CI 0.3-3.0).
Conclusions: Our results suggest substantive healthcare burden post-cataract surgery are attributed to dry eye symptoms. Prophylaxis, DEQ5 score, preoperative dry eye symptom severity do not predict postoperative dry eye symptom concerns overall, warranting further study for predictors and risk mitigators.

Medical Student, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
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