Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Au cours de ce symposium présenté durant le petit déjeuner, des femmes inspirantes partageront leur vision avec nous. Vous découvrirez jusqu’où leur enthousiasme contagieux pourrait vous mener. Laissez-les vous transformer par leur présence et leur puissante énergie. Objectifs d'apprentissageÀ la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :Apprendre au moyen d’exemples de carrières diversifiées.
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Determine the ocular conditions associated with obstructive sleep apneaDescribe how racism operates within health care in parallel ways to how racism operates in other settingsProvide a framework for how we can move from supportive statements to anti-racist actionCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Describe the spectrum of adverse visual outcomes of prematurity to foster early diagnosis and timely interventionsAnalyze the incidence rate of strabismus post plaque brachytherapyDiscuss the clinical characteristics and the response to management of patients with non-surgical consecutive exotropiaCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Sch...
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:Describe the current surgical options available in management of glaucoma in Canada – filtering surgery and angle based surgeryIntegrate the most recent evidence for each surgical option and apply them to their clinical decision makingAssess new development in genomics and how it can optimize our surgical managementCanMEDS Roles:
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to• Apply their knowledge to manage Thyroid Eye Disease • Integrate skills in managing common eyelid abnormalitiesCanMEDS roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
At the end of this session participants will be able to:Demonstrate increased knowledge in the diagnosis and management of several infectious uveitis pathologies Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitis Describe various retinal imaging findings in uveitisCanMEDS Roles:Medical Expert, Scholar
SOLDERDescription : Malgré les avancées en diagnostic et en techniques chirurgicales, les populations éloignées et marginalisées sont souvent mal desservies. Cet atelier vise à explorer différentes modalités, telles les téléphones intelligents, la télémédecine et les unités mobiles, ayant pour but de d’atteindre les communautés éloignées et les populations urbaines marginalisées. Certains membre...
Learning Objectives:1. To understand the role of genetics and environmental factors in keratoconus.2. To review modalities for refractive surgery and keratoconus management. CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
SOLDERDescription : L’implantation d’une lentille intra-oculaire (LIO) en l’absence de support capsulaire demeure complexe pour de nombreux chirurgiens. La technique de fixation intrasclérale des haptiques par la technique Yamane permet au chirurgien d’effectuer la fixation sclérale d’une LIO à 3 pièces en contexte de déficience zonulaire complète. La technique épargne à peu près entièrement la conjonc...
Learning Objectives:To review factors associated with corneal transplant success and failures.To outline techniques to manage complex anterior segment surgery.To understand the advances that may replace corneal transplantation in the future. CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Learning Objectives:Identify common reasons for discrepancy between structure and function evaluations of glaucoma patientsDescribe the difference between glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous abnormalities on glaucoma diagnostic testingAppreciate the nuances of clinical decision making in cases where diagnostic testing is ambiguousCanMEDS Roles: Medical Experts, Scholar
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Integrate new research techniques and ideas in managing Oculoplastics conditions. CanMeds Roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Demonstrate increased knowledge on the use of biosimilar agents and fluid analysis in the diagnosis and management of uveitis. • Integrate pearls on the management of ocular hypertension, postoperative inflammation in uveitis. CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Description : Ce laboratoire de simulation pratique transférera les compétences requises pour se servir des plus récentes techniques en chirurgie du strabisme. Les participants réaliseront les interventions à l’aide d’un modèle en silicone imprimé en 3D validé pour les simulations de chirurgie du strabisme, sous microscope opératoire ou à l’aide des loupes personnelles des participants. Les participants apprendront des techniques particulières comme l’utilisation...
Learning Objectives:Assess the effect of various new surgical procedures on IOP and their potential complications through researchDescribe the quality of meta-analysis performed in glaucoma literatureDescribe side effect associated with commonly used glaucoma medicationCanMEDS Roles: Scholar, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Integrate knowledge about controversies in Oculoplastics • Assess and manage patients with orbital inflammation CanMEDS Roles: Medical Experts, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:To review diagnostic modalities to identify corneal disease.To understand the role of viral disease in the cornea.To evaluate methods for ocular surface reconstruction.CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:Describe the impact of racism in medicine and healthcare, and identify approaches towards active anti-racismDescribe emerging research on gender equity in ophthalmologyApply best practices to become effective allies and advocates in the healthcare setting, with a special emphasis on the needs of vulnerable populationsIntegrate Indigenous health concep...