Fares Antaki
Fares Antaki is a board-certified ophthalmologist from Montreal, Canada. He is currently a Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow at the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute. He recently completed a fellowship in Artificial Medical Intelligence at the Moorfields Eye Hospital and University College London Institute of Ophthalmology in London, United Kingdom, working with Prof. Pearse Keane. He is also an expert consultant for The CHUM School of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare in Montreal, Canada. He earned his medical degree from McGill University in 2018, and during his ophthalmology residency at the University of Montreal, he served as a Chief Resident and published numerous peer-reviewed articles while in full-time clinical training. He received numerous research and teaching awards (CHUM, COS, ASRS, ARVO) and graduated as Valedictorian across all residency specialties in 2023. His research focuses on the applications of emerging technologies in ophthalmology, including artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
Sessions auxquelles Fares Antaki participe
Vendredi 20 Juin, 2025
Objectifs d’apprentissage À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de faire ce qui suit :Évaluer les applications de l'intelligence artificielle pour le dépistage, le diagnostic et la chirurgie en ophtalmologie.Expliquer les principes des modèles de fondation et des modèles de lang...