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Cataracte III

Mon statut pour la session

4:15 PM, Vendredi 20 Juin 2025 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Objectifs d’apprentissage : 
À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de faire ce qui suit:





CanMEDS: Expert médical, Érudit

Sous sessions

5:20 PM - 5:25 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Mohammed Khan, Anna Dalgleish, Nastaran Hajizadeh, Irina Dinu, Hermina StrungaruAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Mohammed Khan, none; Anna Dalgleish, none; Nastaran Hajizadeh, none; Irina Dinu, none; Hermina Strungaru, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: The purpose of the study is to determine if the dysfunctional lens index scale (DLI) measured by iTRACE is a valuable and objective measurement to evaluate the severity of...

Mohammed Khan

5:25 PM - 5:30 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Joshua Bierbrier, Stephanie Baxter, Davin JohnsonAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Joshua Bierbrier, none; Stephanie Baxter, none; Davin Johnson, noneAbstract BodyPurpose:The Ontario government funds out-of-hospital independent health facilities (IHFs) to perform elective cataract surgeries. It is paramount to ensure that cataract surgeries are safe regardless of the clinical setting in which they are performed. T...

Joshua Bierbrier

5:30 PM - 5:35 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Angel Gao, Davin JohnsonAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Angel Gao: none; Davin Johnson: D.J. is the medical director of the Focus Eye Center. However, D.J. does not hold any ownership or financial interest in the facility and does not present any conflict of interest in relation to the scientific content of this abstract.Abstract BodyPurpose:This study aims to compare the clinical characteristics and systemic co...

Angel Gao

5:35 PM - 5:40 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Keean Nanji, Dana Taghaddos, Lele Xiao, Justin Grad, Phillip Staibano, Tyler McKechnie, Michael Zoratti, Varun ChaudharyAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Keean Nanji: none; Dana Taghaddos: none; Lele Xiao: none; Justin Grad: none; Phillip Staibano: none; Tyler McKechnie: none; Michael Zoratti: none; Varun Chaudhary: Dr. Chaudhary reports acting as an advisory board member, grants and other from Novartis; acting as an advisory board member, g...

Keean Nanji

5:40 PM - 5:45 PM | 5 minutes

Chris Rudnisky


Joshua Teichman


Gelareh Noureddin MD


Mohammed Khan


Joshua Bierbrier


Angel Gao


Keean Nanji


Mon statut pour la session


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