Rétine II
Mon statut pour la session
À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de faire ce qui suit:
CanMEDS: Expert médical, Promoteur de la santé
Sous sessions
Author’s Name(s): Andrei-Alexandru Szigiato, Christiana Dinah, Francis Abreu, Pablo Arrisi, Aachal Kotecha, Ying Liu, Liliana Paris, Anne-Cecile Retiere, Jeffrey WillisAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Andrei-Alexandru Szigiato: Apellis, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Roche, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Christiana Dinah: Consultancy: AbbVie, Apellis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen, Ora Clinical, Roche; Lecture fees: Apellis, Roche, Topcon; Inst...
Author’s Name(s): Bernard Hurley, Srinivas Sadda, Jennifer Lim, Yiyi Wang, Derrek Hibar, Andreas Maunz, Huanxiang Lu, Thomas Albrecht, Kara Gibson, Jeffrey Willis, Dolly ChangAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Bernard Hurley: Allergan, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Novartis, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Alcon Canada, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Bayer, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Roche, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, ...
Author’s Name(s): Valérie Gagné, Mélanie Hébert, Jean-Philippe Rozon, Serge Bourgault, Mathieu Caissie, Laurence Letartre, Eric Tourville, Claudine Bellerive, Ali DiraniAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Valérie Gagné: Bayer Roche, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Novartis, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Mélanie Hébert: none; Jean-Philippe Rozon: none; Serge Bourgault: none; Mathieu Caissie: none; Laurence Letartre: none; Eric Tourville: none; Clau...
Author’s Name(s): Nirojini Sivachandran, Stela Vujosevic, Christiana Dinah, Roger Goldberg, Michael Ip, Ehsan Rahimy, Manuel Amador, Kara Gibson, Carl Glittenberg, Andreas MaunzAuthor’s Disclosure Block: NNirojini Sivachandran: Roche, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Bayer, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Apellis, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Stela Vujosevic: Consultant: AbbVie/Allergan, Apellis, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novarti...
Author’s Name(s): Marko Popovic, Ryan Huang, Sumana Naidu, Andrew Mihalache, Peter Kertes, David Sarraf, SriniVas Sadda, Rajeev Muni, Radha KohlyAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Marko Popovic, none; Ryan Huang, none; Sumana Naidu, none; Andrew Mihalache, none; Peter Kertes, none; David Sarraf, none; SriniVas Sadda, none; Rajeev Muni, none; Radha Kohly, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: To investigate the sociodemographic and clinical fact...
Author’s Name(s): Parnian Arjmand, Ramin Khoramnia, Paolo Lanzetta, Anat Loewenstein, Michael Stewart, Richard Gale, Marion Munk, Ursula Schmidt-Ott, April McCullough, Claudia Tueckmantel, Alyson BerlinerAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Parnian Arjmand: Hoffman La Roche, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Bayer, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Apobiologix, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Young MDConnect, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; R...
Author’s Name(s): Wai-Ching Lam, Shih-Jen Chen, Gemmy Cheung, Tomohiro Iida, Adrian Koh, Won Ki Lee, Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, Xiaodong Sun, Yasuo Yanagi, Timothy LaiAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Wai-Ching Lam: Roche, Grant/research support, Novartis, Membership on an advisory panel, standing committee or board of directors, Bayer, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Amgen, Membership on an advisory panel, standing committee or board of directors, Apellis, ...