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Cornée IV

Mon statut pour la session

2:00 PM, Dimanche 22 Juin 2025 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Objectifs d’apprentissage :
À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de faire ce qui suit:


CanMEDS: Expert médical, Érudit

Sous sessions

2:05 PM - 2:10 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Jack Mouhanna, Guillermo RochaAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Jack Mouhanna, none; Guillermo Rocha, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Post-operative corneal edema is an important consideration in patients with Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy (FECD) undergoing cataract surgery. Decision-making for combined cataract surgery and endothelial keratoplasty in cases with early FECD is particularly challenging given the lac...

Jack Mouhanna

2:20 PM - 2:25 PM | 5 minutes

Alex Camacho


Mojgan Hassanlou

2:25 PM - 2:30 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Kelly Ann Hutchinson, Harmanjit Singh, Stephanie Baxter, Davin JohnsonAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Kelly Ann Hutchinson, none; Harmanjit Singh, none; Stephanie Baxter, none; Davin Johnson, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Intraocular lens (IOL) exchange is increasingly recognized as a core competency for anterior segment surgeons in managing cataract surgery complications and patient dissatisfaction. Characterizing ...

Kelly Ann Hutchinson

2:40 PM - 2:45 PM | 5 minutes

Alex Camacho


Mojgan Hassanlou

2:45 PM - 2:50 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Richard Maharaj, Devesh VarmaAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Richard Maharaj: AI4Eyes, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Devesh Varma: Managing Director of Prism Group Holdings, Executive Vice President and Co-National Medical Director For Clinical Ophthalmology, Site Lead for Ophthalmology Queensway hospital and Investigator at the Institute for Better Health at, Consulting Honoraria with Bausch+Lomb, Labtician-Thea, Glaukos, Johnson&...

Richard Maharaj

3:00 PM - 3:05 PM | 5 minutes

Alex Camacho


Mojgan Hassanlou

3:05 PM - 3:10 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Jobanpreet Dhillon, Kevin Min, Marah ElKabouli, Annelise Saunders, George Mintsioulis, Setareh Ziai, Mona KoaikAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Jobanpreet Dhillon, none; Kevin Min, none; Marah ElKabouli, none; Annelise Saunders, none; George Mintsioulis, none; Setareh Ziai, none; Mona Koaik, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Hyperopic outcomes following cataract surgery in irregular corneas, such as those seen in keratoc...

Jobanpreet Dhillon

3:15 PM - 3:20 PM | 5 minutes

Alex Camacho


Mojgan Hassanlou


Mon statut pour la session


Detail de session
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